If you're a Premium user, you have the ability to change to your preferred server in your Site Preferences. We'll need to grab a couple of download links to add to the troubleshooting post. If possible please locate two files, one that is under 20MB and another that is over MB. Please download these files manually and retrieve the full download link from your browser example below. Next, we want to check the quality of the connection between your PC and our servers by performing a TraceRoute operation.
To do this you'll need to:. Finally, you should create a new topic on the forums including the test results. If you like, you can use this format by copying it and replacing the sample data with your information:. I'm having download issues. What can I do? In order to investigate download issues that have been reported to us, we require the following information in the report: Country: The place you're downloading from, please make sure you are not using a VPN when testing as this may make this information inaccurate.
Test download speeds: You'll need to try and download each of our test files in this article. Your download link: The link generated for you when downloading a file. TraceRoute: This is detailed information about your connection to our services, which allows us to identify any common stalling points. To get the information required, please follow the troubleshooting steps below, there is a posting template at the bottom of the article: Understanding what is within our control We do our best to provide access to all mods for users all over the world, however we are sometimes hampered by conditions beyond our control.
The sense checks Before we get into the more advanced troubleshooting, it's important to cover the simple problems we often encounter which can be fixed with relative ease. Downloads don't start: You should consult our " Troubleshooting website issues " page. This is normally caused by a browser addon or privacy settings. Make sure you stop any other downloads: We often find that users report issues while Steam is downloading a 40GB update in the background, which is hogging all your bandwidth.
This can also happen with Windows Update and any other software which automatically downloads content. Update your mod manager: If you're downloading with a mod manager, please ensure you have the latest version.
You should also try and download files manually to see if the problem is exclusive to the mod manager, in these cases it may be more useful to seek support with your chosen application. If you're still having problems, continue to the steps below. Server Tests In this section we'll be checking your maximum connection speed to each of our server locations. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Nexus 7 tablet won't show files when connected to pc Ask Question.
Asked 6 years ago. Active 4 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 38k times. Having read several threads, let me endeavour to outline the problem. NOTE: wpdusb. Improve this question. Conrad Hall Conrad Hall 21 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. It was answered by John W and edited by Andrew. You can consider "accepting" the answer to signify that the solution solved your problem. This can be done by ticking the mark, next to answer — beeshyams. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.
BTW, you have to do this every time you connect to the PC. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. John W. Greetings Andrew, Thank you. Yes, this fixed the issue. It is surprising that it would have to be done every time the tablet is connected to the PC. I have owned the tablet for several months, have connected it to the computer repeatedly to transfer manuscript files, and have not had to do this before. Ah well, the one surety in life is that things change. If the issue arises again, I now have the answer.
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